I’ve loved radio ever since I was a young kid. I grew up listening to ‘Spike at the Mic’ on the old KIIK 104 and Larry Lujack on WLS and they made radio sound so much fun. I got my first job in radio while still in high school (Monmouth High School class of 1988 — Home of the ‘Zippers’!) and have been doing it ever since. I can’t imagine myself doing anything else. I love it just as much today as I did when I first started. Most of you know about my family, my wonderful wife and two great kids Cody and Kaylynn and a grandson Asher. But here’s a few things about me that you may or may not know:
I once flew a plane. No I’m not a pilot, but during the Stearman Fly-In one year I decided to take a plane ride (not one of the Stearman). While in the air, the pilot asked me if I’d like to take over the controls. I took a lap around Galesburg before the took over to land it.
I like to cook. I couldn’t open a restaurant because there’s not a lot that I can cook, but I do enjoy it. My specialties are lasagna and meatloaf. There’s usually not a lot left over on the nights I make those dishes.
I’m a die-hard Cubs fan. I’m a fan of the Bears, Bulls and Blackhawks, but the Chicago Cubs are by far my favorite team. One time, while at Wrigley field, I was chosen to particiapate in a contest for a chance to win a duffle bag full of Cubs goodies. Needless to say, I didn’t win. (If I would have went with my gut instinct I would have.) At least I got to hear my voice over the ballpark’s PA system. And at the same game Harry Carrey waved to me and said hello. And now I can celebrate them as the 2016 World Series Champions!
Ministry. My faith is very important to me. Everything that I have, everything that I am is because of what God has given to me. I’m thankful that He has allowed me to do a job that I enjoy.